WEBVTT 00:02.840 --> 00:05.720 when people consider workplace safety . 00:05.730 --> 00:07.674 The natural first saw his physical 00:07.674 --> 00:10.620 safety . However , safety involves so 00:10.620 --> 00:12.953 much more than just physical well being . 00:13.240 --> 00:15.560 It is important that every M C R Pack 00:15.560 --> 00:17.671 employee feels completely safe in the 00:17.671 --> 00:19.727 workplace , which includes emotional 00:19.727 --> 00:22.270 and psychological safety . United 00:22.270 --> 00:24.326 States Law and Marine Corps and Navy 00:24.326 --> 00:26.548 policies require a workplace to be free 00:26.548 --> 00:28.770 from all forms of harassment . 00:29.670 --> 00:31.503 Employees who feel they're being 00:31.503 --> 00:33.720 bullied , hazed or otherwise harassed 00:33.730 --> 00:35.850 in the workplace have options to seek 00:35.860 --> 00:38.130 resolution both within and outside the 00:38.130 --> 00:40.241 employees . Direct chain of command . 00:40.340 --> 00:42.750 Harassment in the workplace based upon 00:42.750 --> 00:45.360 race , color , national origin , 00:45.370 --> 00:48.540 religion , sex , age , physical or 00:48.540 --> 00:51.130 mental disability , genetic information 00:51.140 --> 00:53.290 or Reprisal of equal employment 00:53.300 --> 00:55.830 opportunity activity is unlawful under 00:55.830 --> 00:57.608 the United States law governing 00:57.608 --> 01:00.480 workplace discrimination . If you were 01:00.480 --> 01:02.424 someone you know is being harassed 01:02.424 --> 01:04.600 based on one of the E e o protected 01:04.600 --> 01:07.060 categories , you can contact the emcee 01:07.060 --> 01:09.920 iPad E e o Office , which is the local 01:09.920 --> 01:11.698 program that is responsible for 01:11.698 --> 01:13.864 ensuring the agency complies with laws 01:13.864 --> 01:15.587 designed to eliminate unlawful 01:15.587 --> 01:19.320 workplace discrimination . Allegations 01:19.320 --> 01:21.153 of harassment could be made to a 01:21.153 --> 01:23.310 superior or manager or to the M C F 01:23.310 --> 01:26.760 pack EEO office . It is vital that no 01:26.760 --> 01:29.350 one experiences any form of retaliation 01:29.360 --> 01:31.610 or Reprisal for exercising their right 01:31.620 --> 01:33.880 to a workplace free from harassment . 01:33.920 --> 01:36.210 It is also vital that superiors and 01:36.210 --> 01:38.510 managers avoid taking any action that 01:38.510 --> 01:40.343 could reasonably be perceived as 01:40.343 --> 01:43.700 retaliatory on lawful retaliation is 01:43.700 --> 01:45.922 defined as any action that is likely to 01:45.922 --> 01:48.089 deter someone for making a complaint . 01:48.660 --> 01:50.604 If you feel like you have been the 01:50.604 --> 01:52.827 subject of Reprisal , contact the M C A 01:52.827 --> 01:56.690 pack e e o office immediately . Three m 01:56.690 --> 01:59.190 c AIPAC E o office could be reached at 01:59.190 --> 02:03.120 d s , n . 6455422 or via the 02:03.130 --> 02:04.460 Emcee AIPAC website .