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Official U.S. Marine Corps Website

MCO 5354.1F updates Marine Corps policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing and responding to prohibited conduct involving sexual harassment, prohibited discrimination, harassment, hazing, bullying, dissident and protest activities, and wrongful distribution or broadcasting of intimate images.

MCIPAC EOA:  Herman Haynes is also covering MCB Camp Butler, MCB Camp Blaz, CATC Camp Fuji, Camp Mujuk, and MCAS Futenma

DSN 645-3555, Cell: 080-1385-7236 Building 1, Rm 6 


SSgt FongSouza
Office (808) 496-7720, Cell: 808-216-7199, Bldg 216 RM 24


MCAS Iwakuni EOA:

GySgt Emerton
DSN 253-4186, Cell: 080-2910-9708, Bldg 1 RM 112



MCB Camp Butler:

MSgt George S. (Lead, DEOCS) email:,

GySgt Brake L. (PAC Training POC) email:,

SSgt Gause W email:


MCB Camp Blaz:

 Maj Rosenfeld D. email:


CATC Camp Fuji:

 SSgt Enomoto K. email:


Camp Mujuk:

 GySgt Resendez M. email:


MCAS Futenma:

 GySgt Landry T. email:


H&HS MCAS Futenma:

 GySgt Kirst M. email:

MSgt FortunatoFranco, EM
O:  315-623-4694
C:  080-1385-7037

MSgt FortunatoFranco, EM
O:  315-623-4694
C:  080-1385-7037


1st MAW
MSgt Lacanilao, HP
O:  315-636-2532
C:  080-1385-7060


GySgt Cordero, GA
O:  315-255-7558


GySgt Hobelmann, KM
O:  808-257-3222


3d MarDiv
Anna G. Ottinger

GySgt Gomez, Camilo 


3d MLG
Mr. Anderson, Andron J.
O: 315-637-1748
C: 080-8373-6696


GySgt Flemming, Jack J.
O: 315-637-1748
C: 080-8373-6696


GySgt Bays, Iris
O: 315-645-4407
C: 080-1385-7019

Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) is a function of command. Marine Corps leaders must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. “Taking care of Marines” means vigorously enforcing our high standards of performance and conduct. We will hold each other accountable and address violations expeditiously, at the lowest appropriate level.

The responsibility of a successful MEO program rests with the commander. Commanders have earned special trust and confidence and are accountable for all of their decisions, actions, and inactions. The Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC) prevention and response measures provide commanders the discretion to assess, investigate, and take corrective action to ensure unit cohesion and warfighting effectiveness.

Marine Corps small unit leaders, company-grade officers and mid-grade staff noncommissioned officers (SNCOs) have experience, maturity, and close daily connection to our most junior Marines. These leaders are in the best position to lead, educate, train, supervise, and instill our high standards.

Prohibited discriminatory and harassment practices within the Marine Corps are counter-productive, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. The Marine Corps will maintain a culture of dignity, care, and concern in which all members of the organization are afforded equal treatment and opportunity to achieve their full potential based upon individual merit, fitness, intellect, and ability. All Service members will cultivate an environment free from PAC. PAC undermine morale, reduce combat readiness, and prevent maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset: its people.

Command Equal Opportunity Coordinators

Command EOCs are a vital part of creating and cultivating an environment of dignity, respect, and trust at the command level. Marines assigned as EOCs are the commander’s primary asset to monitor command climate. They serve at the discretion of the commander.  EOC billet responsibilities are assigned as collateral duties.  EOCs are not considered SMEs. Rather, they serve as the command liaison with the servicing EOA/MEO office and a source of information for the commander. Command EOCs are screened and selected by the commander based upon the EOC Selection Criteria for Commanders. EORs shall:

Assist commanders in establishing local prohibited activity and conduct complaint response procedures; assessing the command climate; and identifying, coordinating, and conducting necessary command training.

Complete the local Equal Opportunity Coordinator Course.

Serve as a liaison with the servicing EOA/MEO Office for all command climate and complaint related matters.

Assist commanders in the submission of required reports.

Provide all necessary and required information on behalf of the commanding officer, to the EOA/MEO office.

Serve as the unit Survey Administrator for conducting all DEOMI Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) assessments.

Serve as the responsible agent for the command’s compliance with Inspector General Checklists for the MEO program.

Submit quarterly reports to the supporting EOA/MEO Office as requested.

You can report through your:

Chain of Command

     The Chain of Command or Command designated personnel (EOR) is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of PAC. Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to quickly and effectively address violations of our standards.

Equal Opportunity Representative (EOR) 

     The EOR is an authorized source within the command to receive complaints on behalf of the commander. EORs are appointed by their commander and are there if the immediate supervisor is not able to be used.

Equal Opportunity Advisor 

     EOAs are the Marine Corps SMEs on command climate and PAC. EOAs are assigned by DC M&RA.

Anonymous Reporting

Anonymous Reports may be communicated by several means, including but not limited to organizational hotlines or advice lines, electronic mail, or official telephone lines. Action taken will depend on the extent of the information provided by the complainants. Service members who file a complaint in-person cannot choose to remain anonymous.