Forward Deployed. Forward Engaged.
Official U.S. Marine Corps Website

Supports the mission of the Marine Corps Installations Pacific activities for Okinawa and Camp Fuji, by providing guidance and assistance to the management officials and Master Labor Contract (MLC)/Indirect Hire Agreement (IHA) employees pertaining to human resources' matters in coordination with our Japanese counterparts.



Executive Branch

AC/S, G-4




Division Logistic Chief


Admin Officer


Operations & Plans Branch

Plans & Operations Officer


MMO/ORD Officer


Support Agreement Manager


IT Assistant


Building Manager, Building 1, Camp Foster


Garrison Mobile Equipment Branch

Motor Transportation Officer


Motor Transportation Chief


Maintenance Officer


Maintenance Chief


Operations Chief


Operations Officer/Green Line


Chief Dispatcher


Vehicle Coordinator


Admin Specialist


Distribution Management Office Branch

Distribution Management Director


Distribution Management Officer


Distribution Management Chief


Personal Property Office


Passenger Travel Office


OIC Freight Section


SNCOIC Freight Section


IT Specialist




Base Food Services Branch

Food Service Officer


Operations Officer


Food Technician


Food Service Ops Chief




Base Supply Office Branch

Base Supply Officer


Base Supply Chief






Base Warehousing Officer


Base Warehousing Chief


Admin Specialist


  • Provides accurate information and qualified candidates promptly to management

  • Process personnel actions promptly and operates in cooperation with the Incorporated Administrative Agency/Labor Management Organization (IAA/LMO).

  • Provides equal opportunity to all employees and accurate information as required

  • Provides comprehensive employee management services to employees/supervisors and assists to create smooth and productive working environment at each organization

  • To create a better working environment, provides guidance on comprehensive employee management services in a proper and consistent way to the MLC/IHA employees/supervisors assigned to MCBJ regarding work schedule, leave procedures, disciplinary matters, Temporary Additional Duty (TAD), award program, uniform, workmen’s accident compensation, and welfare program

  • As duties in JN E/LR Unit, aims to provide prompt, polite, friendly, and proper advice/services in order to create smooth labor-management relationships

  • Determines the most appropriate job title and grade precisely compatible with the basic principle of “equal pay for substantially equal work”

  • Provides professional advice concerning position classification, guiding customers to design a work/task-focused organization in consideration of the most effective and economical position structure

  • Provides various human resource services to employees as well as supervisors of civilian personnel to support the mission of Combined Armed Training Center Camp Fuji

Annual Leave

Q: Is it true that you do not receive annual leave of 160 hours on 1 January if you have worked less than 80% of the total working days during the previous calendar year?

A: Yes. However, if the absence was due to medical reasons and you have taken sick leave, then you will acquire one 8- hour day of leave for each 30 days actually worked during the new calendar year.


Parents' Memorial Leave

Q: What constitutes as a special memorial ceremony for a deceased parent? For the fifth year memorial service, our relatives gathered at our house, but no priest was hired. Will this be considered a special ceremony?

A: Yes, nowadays more and more memorial ceremonies are held without a priest/monk. If the supervisor suspects an abuse of leave, then (s)he can contact the witness sited on the verification form to inquire about the ceremony.


Sick Leave

Q: I have a doctor's appointment scheduled every Wednesday morning for checkups and rehabilitation for my knee injury. Can I use sick leave for these appointments?

A: Basically, no. Sick leave is granted when an employee is incapacitated to work for such conditions as requiring rest at home and hospitalization. Having a doctor’s appointment alone does not meet this criteria. An employee usually requests other types of leave such as annual leave for scheduled appointments. Or an employee is encouraged to schedule an appointment off work hours.


Summer Leave

Q: Can summer leave be taken separately?

A: No. Summer leave is authorized for 3 consecutive work days. An exception will be when the supervisor requests employees to take them separately due to mission requirements.


Admin Leave

Q: Can administrative leave be authorized to MLC/IHA employees when management has prior knowledge that the office needs to be closed for reasons such as power outage, 96, etc.?

A: Management will first try to find alternate work places or consider temporarily changing the work schedule. If such options are not available, employees shall be offered to take either annual leave or non-work allowance (60 %) for the non-work hours. This coordination needs to be made in advance.



Pregnancy Leave

Q: When can an employee start to take pregnancy leave?

A: An employee can request to take pregnancy leave 6 weeks, or 14 weeks in case of a multiple pregnancy, prior to the expected natural birth date.



Q: What actions do we have to take during Typhoon?

A: In most cases, employees will be released from duty upon declaration of Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness 1 Caution (TCCOR-1C). However, employees determined to be "mission essential" by their chain of command may be required to accomplish the mission of their units during TCCOR-1C/E/R. Non-mission essential employees are required to return to their scheduled duty within 2 hours after declaration of Storm Watch (SW) or All Clear (AC), unless otherwise directed. At the direction of the installation commander, selected facilities may require their employees to report to work in preparation for opening during Tropical Cyclone Condition 1 Recovery (TC-1R), in anticipation of SW or AC.


Overtime payment During TAD

Q: Will I be entitled overtime payment for travel time on my non-work day(s) during TAD?

A: No. Travel time to or/and from the TAD site is considered as the same as commutation time (not working hours). Therefore even if the travel time takes place in the early morning or late evening, no premium pay (night time differential) will be paid. However, employees are entitled per diem payment for the day when employees travel to and from the TAD site.


Q: Will I be paid overtime for hours worked outside regularly scheduled work hours during TAD?

A: Usually, no. Working hours during TAD is considered as the same as an employee's regularly scheduled work hours. Even if the employee worked less or more hours, normally only the regular pay will be paid. However, upon satisfactory fulfillment of all three conditions below, overtime pay may be paid:

1. Overtime during TAD was directed by his/her supervisor in advance

2. Actually worked overtime

3. Clear proof of the overtime work can be submitted to the supervisor


Work Schedule Change

Q: Due to operational requirements, I need to change the work hours of my MLC/IHA staff. Is there anything I need to do?

A: Yes. Changes of MLC/IHA work schedule need to be processed as an Official Personnel Action.

Please work with your administrative staff to prepare a USFJ Form 11EJ and submit it to CHRO at least three weeks before the effective date of the change. Also, please take time to explain the change to your staff before submission.


Base Pass

Q: An employee’s base pass will expire soon. What is the procedure to renew his/her base pass?

A: A Letter of Request (LOR) signed by the Commander or individuals with "By direction" authority must be submitted to the PMO Pass Office. If the employee is required to have access for extended hours, multiple camps, or at a higher FPCON level, justification must be provided in the letter.


Q: An employee’s base pass will expire soon. What is the procedure to renew his/her base pass?

A: A Letter of Request (LOR) signed by the Commander or individuals with "By direction" authority must be submitted to the PMO Pass Office. If the employee is required to have access for extended hours, multiple camps, weekends or at a higher FPCON level, justification must be provided in the letter.




Q: My CAC card will expire soon. What is the procedure for renewal?

A: Employees will complete the CAC request form, signed by their supervisor. Employees will submit the request form to the JN Employment Section. Once the DD 1172-2 form is prepared by the JN Employment Section, the employee will make an appointment with IPAC and submit the DD 1172-2 form to IPAC.



Q: An employee wishes to resign from his/her position. What is the procedure for his/her resignation?

A: Request for Resignation form USFJ 24 EJ will be completed by the employee at least two weeks prior to the date of resignation. The activity will prepare a Personnel Action Request (PAR) on USFJ form11 EJ for resignation. Submit both forms to JN Employment for processing via the manpower office.


Change in Work Location

Q: My employees are moving to another building within the same camp. What do I need to do?

A: The supervisor will prepare a Change in Work Location letter stating the building numbers and date of move and submit it to the JN Employment Section, CHRO. Supervisors will instruct the employees to submit a new commutation allowance form to the LMO.


Name Change

Q: I got married and my name has changed. What do I need to do?

A: Please provide a Family Register (Koseki Shohon) form to your supervisor. The activity will prepare a PAR for "Name Change" and route the document along with the Family Register and route them to CHRO via the manpower office.


Commutation Allowance, Housing Allowance and Family Allowance

Q: Who do I contact for questions regarding commutation, housing or family allowance?

A: Please contact the Labor Management Organization Pay Section at 098-921-5533.



Q: What kind of awards are there for MLC/IHA employees?

A: Awards for MLC/IHA employees are the Special Step Increase Program, Time-Off Award, the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, and the Length of Service Award. For more details please contact JN Employee Relations Unit at 645-3364.



Q: What uniform items are employees eligible to receive?

A: The official "Table of Uniforms (T/U)" outlines the specific uniform item that may be allowed to a specific job title. Please note that not all employees are eligible to receive uniform items.


Q: How can new employee request uniforms?

A: Submit RFP Form 22 through the uniform Point of Contact (POC) employee. There are usually uniform POCs in each organizations/offices that have uniform requirements. If you do not know who your POC is, please contact CHRO, JN ER Unit.


Q: What should I do if uniform items are lost or damaged?

A: If a uniform item is lost, destroyed, or damaged to the point of being unserviceable, you must report the matter to CHRO. CHRO will provide you a designated request form to complete. You must submit the form along with the uniform item. If CHRO determines that the item became unserviceable from proper use at the workplace, CHRO will forward the form and the uniform item to LMO/ODB. LMO/ODB will also investigate the matter and will purchase the replacement item as necessary.



Q: Do the Japanese government’s labor funds cover MLC/IHA TAD costs?

A: No. All MLC/IHA TADs are funded by the U.S government.


Q: Who issues MLC TAD orders?

A: Each organization/office has the responsibility to issue MLC TAD orders for MLC employees by using SABRS. If you don’t have access to SABRS, please contact G-8 Managerial Accounting Branch.


Q: Can MLC/IHA employees use Private Owned Vehicles (POV) and Rental cars during TADs?

A: No. The use of POV and Rental cars are not allowed inside or outside of Japan in conjunction with MLC/IHA official travel in accordance with MARFORJ ORDER P12000.1. Ch20.


Q: Is early departure authorized for MLC/IHA employees?

A: If an MLC/IHA employee travels to a foreign country where time difference exists (e.g., USA) and needs rest day prior the start of the TAD, the employee is authorized to take two-day early departure. However, the employee is taking leave before the TAD, early departure is not authorized. In order to be reimbursed for the early departure, a justification letter needs to be submitted along with the travel claim.


Q: Can I take leave in conjunction with TAD?

A: Yes, however if you plan to take leave before/after TAD, no allowance will be paid for the days of leave.