Mission: to promote combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout Marine Corps Installations Pacific-MCB Camp Butler.
Camp Foster, Building 1, Room 8 (basement)
Mailing Address:
Office of the Command Inspector General
Marine Corps Installations Pacific
Marine Corps Base Camp Butler
Unit 35001
FPO, AP 96373-5001
To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call or email:
☎Commercial: +81-098-970-3788 / DSN: 645-3788
Email: Inspector.MCBB.FCT@usmc.mil
Visit: hotline.usmc.mil/
Important: If you encounter the "Bad Request" page, please copy "https://hotline.usmc.mil/" and paste it to the address bar on the browser.
Command Inspector General: Colonel Paul T. Bartok 645-7346
Deputy Command Inspector General: Mr. Herman R. Haynes 645-1224
Investigator: Mr. Christian L. Charkowski 645-3788
Inspections Chief: Master Sergeant Jamal Massengale 645-3541
Administrative Assistant: Mr. Sangduk Ha 645-3640
Mission: The mission of the Inspector General of the Marine Corps is to promote Marine Corps combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout the Marine Corps.
To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call or email:
*Visit: https://hotline.usmc.mil/
Important: If you encounter the "Bad Request" page, please copy "https://hotline.usmc.mil/" and paste it to the address bar on the browser.
☎Toll Free: (866)243-3887
☎Commercial: (703)604-4526
☎DSN: 664-4526
*Email: ORGMB.IGMC.HOTLINE@usmc.mil
Mission: The mission of the Office of the Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN) is to inspect, investigate, or inquire into any and all matters of importance to the Department of the Navy and maintain the highest level of public confidence. The NAVINSGEN serves as the conscience of the Navy. The NAVINSGEN makes a difference, adding value at all levels through proactive assistance, advice, and advocacy. The NAVINSGEN guiding principle is to support the Department of the Navy in maintaining the highest level of integrity and public confidence.
To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call, or email:
*Visit: https://www.secnav.navy.mil/ig
☎Toll Free: (800)522-3451
☎DSN: 288-6842
*Email: NAVIGHotlines.fct@navy.mil
Mission: The mission of the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) Hotline is to provide a confidential, reliable means to report violations of law, rule, or regulation; fraud, waste, and abuse; mismanagement; trafficking in persons; serious security incidents; or other criminal or administrative misconduct that involve Department of Defense personnel and operations, without fear of reprisal.
To file a Hotline complaint, please visit or call:
*Visit: https://www.dodig.mil/
☎Toll Free: (800)424-9098
☎Commercial: (703)604-8799
☎DSN: 664-8799
☎Fax: (703)604-8567
Suspected threats to Homeland Security
Violations of Wrongdoing Involving Classified Information
Military Whistleblower Complaints
Fraud, Waste and Mismanagement