Forward Deployed. Forward Engaged.
Official U.S. Marine Corps Website

Mission: to promote combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout Marine Corps Installations Pacific-MCB Camp Butler.

Camp Foster, Building 1, Room 8 (basement)

Mailing Address:

Office of the Command Inspector General

Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Base Camp Butler

Unit 35001

FPO, AP 96373-5001


To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call or email:

☎Commercial: +81-098-970-3788 / DSN: 645-3788



Important: If you encounter the "Bad Request" page, please copy "" and paste it to the address bar on the browser. 


Command Inspector General:                           Colonel Paul T. Bartok                         645-7346

Deputy Command Inspector General:               Mr. Jo Phillips                                      645-1224

Investigator:                                                       Mr. Christian L. Charkowski                645-3788

Inspections Chief:                                              Master Sergeant Jamal Massengale  645-3541

Administrative Assistant:                                    Mr. Sangduk Ha                                 645-3640

Mission: The mission of the Inspector General of the Marine Corps is to promote Marine Corps combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training.  This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout the Marine Corps.

To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call or email:


Important: If you encounter the "Bad Request" page, please copy "" and paste it to the address bar on the browser. 


☎Toll Free: (866)243-3887
☎Commercial: (703)604-4526

☎DSN: 664-4526


Mission: The mission of the Office of the Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN) is to inspect, investigate, or inquire into any and all matters of importance to the Department of the Navy and maintain the highest level of public confidence. The NAVINSGEN serves as the conscience of the Navy. The NAVINSGEN makes a difference, adding value at all levels through proactive assistance, advice, and advocacy. The NAVINSGEN guiding principle is to support the Department of the Navy in maintaining the highest level of integrity and public confidence.

To file a Hotline complaint, please visit, call, or email:



☎Toll Free: (800)522-3451

☎DSN: 288-6842


Mission: The mission of the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoDIG) Hotline is to provide a confidential, reliable means to report violations of law, rule, or regulation; fraud, waste, and abuse; mismanagement; trafficking in persons; serious security incidents; or other criminal or administrative misconduct that involve Department of Defense personnel and operations, without fear of reprisal.

To file a Hotline complaint, please visit or call:



☎Toll Free: (800)424-9098
☎Commercial: (703)604-8799

☎DSN: 664-8799
☎Fax: (703)604-8567


Suspected threats to Homeland Security

Violations of Wrongdoing Involving Classified Information

Military Whistleblower Complaints

Fraud, Waste and Mismanagement

Command Inspector Program

On May 1, 1998, the Commandant of the Marine Corps eliminated the traditional Inspector General of the Marine Corps inspections and adopted a Marine Corps wide inspection philosophy whereby the focus of the inspection process would reside with major subordinate commands.

For further guidance, click on the following links:

Fraud, Waste, Abuse and Mismanagement

The Command Inspector General may investigate allegations of violations of law, rules, or regulations; fraud, waste, or inefficiency; abuse of authority or other misconduct; and other matters that reasonably can be expected to be of interest to the CMC, IGMC, or the commander, in order to ensure appropriate inquiry and management action.

Help stop Fraud, Waste, Abuse, & Mismanagement
Report it!

File a Hotline Complaint

Anonymity: You also have the right to remain anonymous.  In order for you to remain anonymous, do not tell us your name or provide other obviously identifying information, including an email address that includes your name. If you choose to remain anonymous by calling or by mailing a letter with no return address, we will not be able to advise you of the status or outcome of your complaint. Anonymous complaints are given the same attention as non-anonymous complaints. However, it may be more difficult to determine whether an investigation is warranted without additional information. Absolute anonymity is not guaranteed.

Confidentiality: You may request to remain "confidential." This means your identity would not be released to individuals outside the Command Inspector General's office without your knowledge and consent. Absolute confidentiality is not guaranteed.

Request Mast

The Request Mast procedure is the officially recognized means for Marines to communicate with their commanding officer and/or commanding general. It includes both the right of Marines to communicate with their commanding officer, as well as the requirement that the commanding officer personally consider and respond to the matter. Request mast provides Marines with an approved channel to air real or perceived grievances. Request mast also provides commanding officers with firsthand knowledge of the morale and general welfare of the command.

For further guidance, click on the links below.


MCO 1700.23G Request Mast 

Marine Corps Request Mast (NAVMC 11296 Rev 5-19) 

(To download this form, follow the link and click the save icon)



Military Personnel: Claims of reprisal by military personnel for protected whistleblowing activity have statutory rights in accordance with DoDD 7050.06. Allegations of reprisal for the submission of a protected communication submitted to the Command Inspector General will be referred to the DoDIG for all military personnel.

File a Reprisal Complaint

  • Civilian Appropriated Fund Employees: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)8; may submit claims of reprisal to the Office of Special Counsel or the DoDIG.

  • Civilian Non-appropriated Fund Employees: Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1587; and implemented by DoDD 1401.03 must submit claims of reprisal to the DoDIG.

  • Defense Contractor Employees: Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2409; and implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 3.9, must submit claims of reprisal to the DoDIG.

Major Crimes

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has authority to investigate allegations that Department of the Navy (DON) civilian or military personnel have committed major crimes. SECNAVINST 5430.107 defines this as any offense punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or similarly framed federal, state, local, or foreign statutes, by confinement for a term of more than one year (such crimes often are referred to as felonies). Although Inspector General (IG) organizations often investigate standards of conduct violations, many of the standards are derived from Federal felony statutes (see, for example, Office of Government Ethics Regulations at 5 CFR 2635.401 through 503 for a discussion of conflicts of interest based on a criminal statute, 18 USC 208, and conflicts based on agency regulations). In those cases, NCIS should be apprised of the allegations before the IG investigation proceeds.  When NCIS has reason to believe the United States Attorney will not prosecute a case, it may decline jurisdiction in order to permit an IG investigation to proceed.  When a matter appropriate for an IG investigation must be referred to NCIS for investigation pursuant to SECNAVINST 5430.107, the IG organization should log the case into its tracking system and monitor the progress of the NCIS investigation. Should the NCIS investigation fail to establish a basis for criminal prosecution, NCIS may return the action to the IG organization for such further investigation as may be necessary to permit the responsible authority to determine whether non-criminal (judicial or administrative) action is appropriate.

A request for an IG inquiry may arrive in the form of a complaint alleging that a military member has committed an offense punishable under the UCMJ. When such cases indicate the commission of a major crime within the jurisdiction of NCIS, they must be presented the information as described above.  Whenever NCIS declines to investigate the matter, the IG organization should next consider referring the allegation to the alleged violator's commander for action.  See Rules for courts-martial 303 and 306.  A referral is appropriate when the allegation is not one that would normally be the subject of an IG investigation.  When a matter appropriate for an IG investigation could constitute an offense punishable under the UCMJ, close coordination with the convening authority is necessary to ensure the IG investigation does not interfere with any potential or actual judicial action.

Military and civilian personnel often seek IG assistance when faced with adverse action for which another more specific remedy or means of redress is available. For example, many adverse personnel actions taken against civilian employees are able to be appealed to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or subject to resolution through agency grievance procedures.  Non-judicial punishment and court-martial actions under the UCMJ are subject to the appellate process within the military judicial system.  Other individual complaints of wrong by military personnel may be handled through Article 138, UCMJ or Article 1150, U.S. Navy Regulations procedures. In such cases, the complainant should be referred to the appropriate authority to resolve the matter.  The IG system is not the "court of first resort" for most matters.

The Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) is the appropriate authority to review allegations of improper fitness reports and other requests for correction of records. MCO P1610.7

Many requests for assistance are best handled within the chain of command and should be referred to it for action. It is appropriate to request notification of the action taken. Be alert for systemic problems that would best be addressed through an IG investigation or inspection.

The fact that an individual believes he or she has been wronged by "the system" is not itself sufficient to justify an IG investigation. IGs are not a substitute for the chain of command and other dispute resolution mechanisms, and should not be used for that purpose unless there is evidence those systems are being misused or are malfunctioning. Complaints from individuals seeking relief from adverse personnel or disciplinary actions, unfavorable findings in EO/EEO investigations, or other matters for which the chain of command provides a review mechanism, should be accepted for IG investigation only when coupled with a non-frivolous allegation that the chain of command is unable or unwilling to address the matter fairly and impartially.