Marine Corps Installations Pacific
Forward Deployed. Forward Engaged.


Customer Service Hours

Monday to Thursday: (0730 - 1200), (1300 - 1530)

Friday: (1300 - 1530)


Many Federal agencies fill their jobs like private industry by allowing applicants to contact the agency directly for job information and application processing. Previously the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) maintained large standing registers of eligibles and required applicants to take standardized written tests.

Today OPM no longer maintains registers of eligibles and only a few positions require a written test. The new Federal application form is Optional Application for Federal Employment, OF-612. In lieu of submitting an OF-612, applicants may submit a resume. Another change is that job seekers do not need a rating from OPM to enable them to apply for non-clerical vacancies. But, while the process is now very similar to that in private industry, there are still significant differences due to the many laws, executive orders, and regulations that govern Federal employment.


There are two classes of jobs in the Federal Government: 1) those that are in the competitive civil service, and 2) those that are in the excepted service.

Competitive service jobs are under OPM's jurisdiction and subject to the civil service laws passed by Congress to ensure that applicants and employees receive fair and equal treatment in the hiring process. These laws give selecting officials broad authority to review more than one applicant source before determining the best-qualified candidate based on job-related criteria. A basic principle of Federal employment is that all candidates must meet the qualification requirements for the position for which they receive an appointment.

Excepted service agencies set their own qualification requirements and are not subject to the appointment, pay, and classification rules in title 5, United States Code. However, they are subject to veterans' preference. Some Federal agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have only excepted service positions. In other instances, certain organizations within an agency or even specific jobs may be excepted from civil service procedures. Positions may be in the excepted service by law, by executive order, or by action of OPM.


In filling competitive service jobs, agencies can generally choose from among 3 groups of candidates:
1.A competitive list of eligibles administered by OPM or by an agency under OPM's direction. This list consists of applicants who have applied and met the qualification requirements for a specific vacancy announcement. It is the most common method of entry for new employees.
2.A list of eligibles who have civil service status consist of applicants who are eligible for noncompetitive movement within the competitive service because they either now are or were serving under career-type appointments in the competitive service. These individuals are selected under agency merit promotion procedures and can receive an appointment by promotion, reassignment, transfer, or reinstatement.
3.A list of eligibles that qualify for a special noncompetitive appointing authority established by law or executive order. Examples of special noncompetitive appointing authorities include the Veterans' Recruitment Appointment (VRA) and Peace Corps.

- Agencies in the competitive service are required by law and OPM regulation to post vacancies with OPM whenever they are seeking candidates from outside their own workforce for positions lasting more than 120 days. (Agency, in this context, means the parent agency -- i.e., Treasury, not the Internal Revenue Service.) These vacancies are posted on OPM's USAJOBS.

USAJOBS, the Federal Government's Employment Information System, provides worldwide job vacancy information, employment information fact sheets, job applications and forms on-line. It has on-line resume development and electronic transmission capabilities. Job seekers can apply for some positions on-line. USAJOBS is updated every business day from a database of more than 30,000 worldwide job opportunities and is available to job seekers in a variety of formats to ensure access for customers with differing physical and technological capabilities. It is convenient, user friendly, accessible through the computer or telephone and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

USAJOBS consists of:

INTERNET - The official world-wide-web site for jobs and employment information is

The Online Resume Builder feature allows job seekers to create on-line resumes specifically designed for applying for Federal jobs. Applicants can use the resume builder to create, print, save, edit for future use, or send by fax or mail to employers. Many of the hiring agencies will accept electronic submissions of resumes created through USAJOBS for vacancies listed on the web site.

AUTOMATED TELEPHONE SYSTEM - An interactive voice response telephone system which can be reached at 1/703-724-1850 or TDD 1/978-461-8404. By telephone, job seekers can access current job vacancies, employment information fact sheets, applications, forms, and apply for some jobs.

A posted vacancy is an agency's decision to seek qualified candidates for a particular vacancy. The agency is under no obligation to make a selection. In some instances, an agency may cancel the posting and choose to reannounce the vacancy later.  

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides Governmentwide leadership on Federal work scheduling policies and programs. They develop and maintain Governmentwide regulations and policies on the administration of work schedules, including the basic 40-hour workweek, holidays, and flexible and compressed work schedules. However, each Federal agency is responsible for administering work scheduling policies and programs for its own employees.

Each agency and, to a greater or lesser extent, each supervisor, has a considerable amount of flexibility in determining and setting scheduling guidelines. As a result, your ultimate work schedule and the options available to you need to be discussed and finalized with your supervisor.

 If you are in contact with your supervisor by phone or email prior to your Entrance on Duty, you are strongly encouraged to have that discussion with him or her early on. If not, it should be one of the first topics of discussion you should have immediately after your Entrance on Duty processing.

 Here is a brief introduction to the options available to you. The information provided here is only intended to make you aware of the possibilities. In each case, links will be provided you to pages that will give you more in-depth information.

The three general areas touched on here are:
*Alternative Work Schedule

Alternative Work Schedules (AWS)

Alternative work schedules (AWS) are work schedules that allow employees to work other than traditional 8-hour days. Use of an AWS program promotes a family friendly workplace by allowing employees to better balance work and family needs. Use of an AWS can also help employees avoid peak rush hour traffic. Organizations benefit by having more employees who are able to maximize their productive time and minimize the effects of outside responsibilities. In some cases, alternative work schedules can enable an organization to better serve customers with longer office hours or who may be in other time zones or have non-traditional schedules themselves.

Flexible work schedules include schedules that are fixed schedules (i.e., schedules in which the employee pre-selects starting and stopping times each day and adheres to those times) and schedules that permit employees to arrive and depart within the flexible time bands established.

A Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) allows an employee to increase the number of hours worked each day so the employee can have one regular day off scheduled each week or each pay period. Compressed work schedules are fixed schedules. Managers may not authorize the use of flexible work schedules in conjunction with CWS. The employee must work the required number of daily hours to correspond with the CWS established for that employee.

Telework is an arrangement that allows employees to conduct some or all of their work at a location other than their official worksite. Telework can be completed in an employee’s home, a telework center, or an alternately approved worksiteTypes of Telework:
Regular and recurring telework includes at least one (1) day each pay period in a telework status. Telework days are scheduled in advance and may be changed only with prior approval.

Ad hoc telework is performed on an occasional, one-time, or irregular basis and is usually driven by the situation (e.g. a one-time project that requires intense concentration). Ad hoc telework may also be approved for use during inclement weather or other emergency conditions.

 The Federal Government provides a wide range of benefits to civilian employees to help them meet their personal and family needs. Information about civilian leave entitlements is provided so that you can easily see what is available to help you balance your work and personal life — whether you plan to take time off for a vacation, go to the doctor's office, or help take care of a family member with a serious medical condition.

There are approximately ten different types of leave available to a Federal employee:
◾Annual Leave
◾Sick Leave
◾Bone Marrow/Organ Donor Leave
◾Administrative Leave / Excused Absence
◾Leave without Pay
◾Court Leave
◾Family and Medical Leave Act
◾Military Leave
◾Parental Leave

For more information on each of these types of leave, leave accrual rates, and regulations concerning the circumstances under which leave can be granted and used, please consult the leave topics listed on the right (by clicking on the item). You can return to this page by using the back-arrow button on the command line of your browser.

The Federal Government provides employees, dependents and annuitants with various benefits which may include health care insurance (FEHB), dental and vision insurance (FEDVIP), long term care insurance (FLTCIP), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAFeds), a Thrift Savings Program (TSP), and Life Insurance (FEGLI).

About Federal Benefits
Once you have received and accepted your final offer of employment, you will immediately be eligible to enroll in a wide variety of benefits that are available to all Federal employees.

To enroll in these programs, you will need specific information about your employment. Some or all of the following information may be required:
◾Social Security Number
◾Date of Birth
◾Service Computation Date (date of Entrance on Duty)
◾Pay Plan or Pay Schedule
◾Pay Grade and Step

Below, you will find a list of the major benefits for which you can enroll, along with a brief description of each. At the bottom of the page, you will find a list of links to these benefits.

Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB)
As a Federal employee, you are entitled to enroll yourself and any eligible family members in a health plan offered under the FEHB Program, unless your position is excluded from coverage by law or regulation. If you meet the requirements, you will be eligible to continue group coverage into retirement.

There are two types of enrollment: Self Only and Self and Family. A Self and Family enrollment covers you, your spouse, and your unmarried dependent children under age 22.

Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
Dental and Vision Plans are provided for employees, retirees, and dependents based on the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Benefits Enhancement Act of 2004. Each plan includes the option for a Standard or High coverage option as well as various enrollment options of self only, self plus one, and self & family. The available rates and plans vary based on location.

All employees, retirees, and dependents except TCC Enrollees, temporary employees with appointments NTE 1 year, seasonal employees working less than 6 months in a calendar year, and annuitants with a deferred annuity are eligible for dental and/or vision coverage. Enrollment in FEDVIP is not mandatory.

Federal Flexible Spending Account(s) (FSAFeds)
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to help cover expenses related to health care, child care and/or adult dependent care. Since most of us already spend money on deductibles, co-pays, prescriptions, and dependent care, FSAs can help to mitigate the cost of these expenses due to the tax-free nature of the accounts. For the federal government, third party provider, Sykes Health Plan Services (SHPS), Inc. administers all FSAs. There are three types of FSAs available – Health Care FSA, Limited Expense FSA and Dependent Care FSA.

Federal Long-Term Care Insurance (FLTCIP)
The Office of Personnel Management has partnered with John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company to provide long term care insurance with affordable group premiums and comprehensive benefits. Long term care insurance provides reimbursement for costs of care when you are unable to perform at least two activities of daily living (eating, dressing, bathing, etc.) for an expected period of at least 90 days, or when you need constant supervision due to a severe cognitive impairment. Federal Employees Health Benefits plans do not cover the cost of long term care. While Medicare covers some care in nursing homes and at home, it does so only for a limited time, subject to restrictions. There is no Government contribution to FLTCIP premiums. You are eligible to apply for FLTCIP at anytime.

Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
FEGLI is Group Term Life Insurance coverage that builds no cash or loan value. New employees are automatically covered under the FEGLI program. New Employees receive Basic Insurance; however, within 31 days of appointment, new employees may elect optional coverage. Election of optional coverage or waiver of basic coverage may be made through EBIS electronically or via the SF-2817 form.

Employees who are on a temporary appointment NTE 1 year and employees who work an intermittent schedule are ineligible for coverage under FEGLI.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
TSP is one of the most important benefits for eligible federal employees. TSP is a 403(a) retirement plan, which is similar to a 401(k), but is a section of the Internal Revenue Code that allows for salary deferments. TSP allows federal employees to contribute bi-weekly to a retirement savings and investment plan before tax contributions. Both EBIS and the TSP website offer services to federal employees.


Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

The onboarding process consists of five phases, beginning when you have accepted the job offer and continuing through your first year of employment. The five phases vary in length but represent critical steps in the onboarding experience. Click on the photos below to learn more about each phase. 

Phase 1: Before You Arrive
Before you begin your new career as a Civilian Marine, we will require you to fill out and sign a number of forms that have been mandated by law. You will be asked to present these forms on your first day. Also, this section provides you with a general overview of all the benefits to which you are entitled as a Federal employee with instructions on how to enroll.




Phase 2: Your First Day
The first day that you report for work is called your "Entrance on Duty (EOD)." This phase provides you with information concerning what you can expect.





Phase 3: Your First Week
During your first week, you will be engaged in learning your new environment and gaining access to the important tools that you will be using to manage your life as a Civilian Marine.




Phase 4: Your First 90 Days
By this time, you should have full access to all your online accounts and you will be able to manage your personnel records and your individual benefits programs.





Phase 5: Your First Year
There are a variety of opportunities available to Civilian Marines. We are committed to supporting you in your personal and professional development during your first year and beyond.

"Training and Development is one of the most critical contributors to the success of an organization and it's workforce. Providing training for employees not only helps them develop their skills and knowledge, but it is also a motivational tool as well as a building block to organizational success." (OPM)

The Government Employees Training Act (GETA), which became law on July 7, 1958, is the governmentwide authority for training federal employees (Title 5, United States Code, Chapter 41). The Act recognized the importance of federal employees' self development, and found it "necessary and desirable in the public interest that self-education, self-improvement, and self-training by such employees be supplemented and extended by government - sponsored programs."
The basic authority was reinforced by Executive Order 11348 states that it is the policy of the United States "to develop its employees through the establishment and operation of progressive and efficient training programs, thereby improving public service, increasing efficiency and economy, building and retaining a workforce of skilled and efficient employees, and installing and using the best modern practices and techniques in the conduct of government’s business." Executive Order 11491 added the requirement to train personnel and management officials in labor management relations. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act required the establishment of training and education programs to provide maximum opportunity for employees to advance so as to perform at their highest potential. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 addressed the development of candidates for the Senior Executive Service and the continuing development of senior executives.

The March 1994 amendments to GETA broadened the purpose of training, and aligned it with agency performance objectives, making training a management tool responsive to the current and future needs of agencies. The legislation recognized that human resource development (HRD) has evolved from traditional training activities to include workplace learning, education, career management, organizational development, and performance improvement.

Policies and Programs 
Human resource development programs may be authorized to:
◾Orient employees to the federal service, their agencies and organizational assignments, and conditions of employment.
◾Guide new employees to effective performance during their probationary period.
◾Provide knowledge and skills to improve job performance.
◾Prepare employees with demonstrated potential for increased responsibility in meeting future staffing requirements.
◾Provide continuing professional and technical training to avoid knowledge/skill obsolescence (e.g., keeping the skills of scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, registered nurses, computer programmers, procurement specialists, plumbers, electricians, and clerical employees current).
◾Implement reorganizations, changing missions, and administration initiatives.
◾Develop the managerial workforce focusing on competencies identified as essential to effective performance at supervisory, managerial, and executive levels (e.g., communication, interpersonal skills, human resource management, technology management, financial management, planning and evaluation, and vision).
◾Provide education leading to an academic degree if necessary to assist in the recruitment or retention of employees in occupations in which there are existing or anticipated shortage of qualified personnel, especially in those areas requiring critical skills. Provide for the career transition, training, and/or retraining of employees displaced by downsizing and restructuring.
◾Meeting Learning Needs.

Employee's performance-based learning needs may be met by:
◾Planned work experience, details, and developmental assignments.
◾On-the-job-learning and supervised practice.
◾Training and education provided through agency facilities, other government facilities, and nongovernment facilities.
◾Coaching and mentoring.

How do I find out about training?
Many agencies have a designated Human Resources Development (HRD) officer. That would be the most knowledgeable and appropriate person to talk to regarding your training and development needs.

However, regardless of whether or not there is an HRD, your supervisor should be your primary contact regarding assessing your training needs, locating formal training and development resources, and getting agency approval to register. The Marine Corps is particularly dedicated to providing training opportunities for its civilian staff.

What training can I take?
Every Civilian Marine must develop an annual Individual Development Plan (IDP) in consultation with his or her supervisor. One of the first things you'll do after settling in to your new job will be to sit down with your supervisor and create your IDP. Your supervisor will guide you, helping you to tailor your development plan both to your needs and to the resources available to you in your current position.

Am I limited to courses offered at HQMC?
No. Although HQMC sponsors a number of practical developmental courses as well as a Leadership Development Program, students may be able to take courses at local institutions or online (if approved by their supervisors and funding is approved). Once again, the policy provides ample opportunities for training and development; it's up to you and your supervisor to devise a short- or long-term plan that works for you.