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Lance Cpl. Katelyn M. Hunter conducts pullups during an initial assessment at Camp Foster Dec. 12. Hunter is a combat photographer with combat camera, G-3/5, operations and training, Marine Corps Base Camp Butler, Marine Corps Installations Pacific.

Photo by Pfc. Kasey Peacock

Flexed-arm hang out, pullups in

14 Dec 2012 | Pfc. Kasey Peacock Marine Corps Installations Pacific

The Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James F. Amos announced Nov. 27 that all female Marines will perform pullups as a part of their physical fitness tests beginning Jan. 1, 2014.

A transition period will begin Jan. 1, 2013 to allow female Marines an adjustment period for the new requirement.

The flexed-arm hang will remain in place for initial testing for female Marine recruits and officer candidates until January 2014 when they will have to perform pullups to graduate.

The battalion commander and sergeant major of Headquarters and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Base Camp Butler, Marine Corps Installations Pacific, held an initial pull-up assessment for all female Marines with the battalion.

The goal was to educate female Marines and their leaders on the 2013 training plan targeting pull-up development, according to Col. Katherine J. Estes, the battalion’s commanding officer.

“I have had to adapt to many changes in the Marine Corps,” said Estes. “As Marines we have to continuously work every day to earn our eagle, globe and anchor, and this is another opportunity for us to do that.”

The commandant also directed the commanding general of Training and Education Command to create a website with workout routines specifically for female Marines to adjust to the changes.

“I think this is a great implementation that will make things fairer between male and female Marines across the board,” said Lance Cpl. Katelyn M. Hunter, a combat photographer with combat camera, G-3/5, operations and training, MCB Camp Butler, MCIPAC. “Females have to stray away from the ‘I can’t’ mindset when it comes to pullups. With consistency and the ability to push yourself, the new implementation should be a good challenge that females can conquer.”

To pass this portion of the PFT, female Marines will need to complete a minimum of three dead-hang pullups or maximum of eight for a perfect score. Currently males must also do a minimum of three pullups, but are required to complete 20 repetitions for a perfect score.

“Females need to realize we all have to start somewhere, and we have more than enough time to prepare for this,” said Cpl. Ada P. Canizaleztejada, an administrative specialist with the battalion. “About a year ago, I was only doing two pullups. I began weightlifting and targeting specific muscles beneficial for doing pullups, and now I can do nine.”

The point system for the new changes will be three pullups for 40 points, four pullups for 65, five pullups for 75, six pullups for 85, seven pullups for 95 and eight pullups for 100.

“As Marines, we rise to any occasion,” said 1st Lt. Ericka A. Hansen, the installation law attorney, MCIPAC. “I have complete confidence that the female Marines will do exactly that.”