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Official U.S. Marine Corps Website
Category: MCIPac - Camp Fuji

Japan Self-Defense Force members, Numazu residents, and U.S. Marines pull a rope during the annual Dragnet Festival June 1 at Numazu Beach, Japan. The event was centered on the Japanese tradition of dragnet fishing in which a massive net is towed into Suruga Bay and then dragged inland by hand. The festival brings JSDF members, prefectural residents and Marines together for a day of fun at the beach where they enjoyed fresh seafood, played games, and relaxed on the beach, according to Col. Blake M. Wilson, the commanding officer of Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji. - Japan Self-Defense Force members, Numazu residents, and U.S. Marines pull a rope during the annual Dragnet Festival June 1 at Numazu Beach, Japan. The event was centered on the Japanese tradition of dragnet fishing in which a massive net is towed into Suruga Bay and then dragged inland by hand. The festival brings JSDF members, prefectural residents and Marines together for a day of fun at the beach where they enjoyed fresh seafood, played games, and relaxed on the beach, according to Col. Blake M. Wilson, the commanding officer of Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji.

Wasaku Tatsumichi, right, demonstrates for Pfc. Michael Cancel, left, how to properly plant rice May 4 at Tatsumichi’s rice field in Gotemba, Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Cancel, along with approximately 20 other Marines assigned to Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji, volunteered to help Tatsumichi plant his rice for the spring. The event benefited both Tatsumichi and the Marines because he got his field planted quickly, and the Marines experienced what it is like to be a Japanese rice farmer for the day. Tatsumichi is a member of the Fuji U.S.-Japan Friendship Association and a rice farmer. Cancel is a motor vehicle operator with Headquarters Company, CATC Camp Fuji.(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Adam B. Miller/Released) - Wasaku Tatsumichi, right, demonstrates for Pfc. Michael Cancel, left, how to properly plant rice May 4 at Tatsumichi’s rice field in Gotemba, Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Cancel, along with approximately 20 other Marines assigned to Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji, volunteered to help Tatsumichi plant his rice for the spring. The event benefited both Tatsumichi and the Marines because he got his field planted quickly, and the Marines experienced what it is like to be a Japanese rice farmer for the day. Tatsumichi is a member of the Fuji U.S.-Japan Friendship Association and a rice farmer. Cancel is a motor vehicle operator with Headquarters Company, CATC Camp Fuji. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Adam B. Miller/Released)

TAMA HILLS RECREATION AREA, Japan – Cpl. Maria J. Maganasaldivar blindly searches for scattered objects with the help of her fellow Marines April 5 at Tama Hills Recreation Area near Yokota Air Base, Japan. The goal of the exercise was to collect objects while blindfolded and listening to instructions from another participant who is receiving hand-and-arm signals from other participants. Marines and sailors spent three days participating in a chaplain’s religious enrichment development operation which aims to provide tools for effective leadership by identifying means to develop greater teamwork and unit cohesion through team-building skills. Maganasaldivar is an ammunition technician with Combat Logistics Regiment 35, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force. - TAMA HILLS RECREATION AREA, Japan – Cpl. Maria J. Maganasaldivar blindly searches for scattered objects with the help of her fellow Marines April 5 at Tama Hills Recreation Area near Yokota Air Base, Japan. The goal of the exercise was to collect objects while blindfolded and listening to instructions from another participant who is receiving hand-and-arm signals from other participants. Marines and sailors spent three days participating in a chaplain’s religious enrichment development operation which aims to provide tools for effective leadership by identifying means to develop greater teamwork and unit cohesion through team-building skills. Maganasaldivar is an ammunition technician with Combat Logistics Regiment 35, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force.